
Our approach to supplements starts with the science behind the symptoms, adds quality blended ingredients at impactful amounts, and finishes with rigorous independent testing.


Clinical Applications
  • Improves Stress Resilience
  • Supports Healthy Energy Levels
  • Strengthens the Body’s Stress Response
  • Improves Mental and Physical Performance
  • Helps Maintain a Balanced Cortisol-to-DHEA ratio

Stress is defined as any disturbance–extreme cold or heat, psychological stress, sleep deprivation, work overload, physical trauma, as well as toxic exposure, that can trigger the stress response. The body’s stress response system is comprised of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Prolonged stress triggers the HPA axis and consists of three stages: stage 1: alarm; stage 2: resistance; and stage 3: exhaustion. 

The initial, short-lived phase (the alarm phase) is the body’s normal fight-or-flight response to danger which is characterized by elevated cortisol levels. The next phase, the resistance phase, allows the body to continue buffering extended stress exposure, long after the initial fight-or-flight response has dissipated. Hormones released by the adrenals, such as cortisol and DHEA, help support the “resistance” reaction. However, extended periods of stress not only burden the system, creating an imbalance in cortisol and DHEA production, but can result in mental and physical fatigue, nervous tension, irritability and poor memory-all of which are characteristic of stage 3. Adren-All® offers a unique blend of botanicals, adrenal concentrate and micronutrients that support the adrenals glands, as well as the body’s ability to respond to and counter-act the negative effects of stress.

Adren-All® contains a blend of key micronutrients, adaptogenic botanicals and adrenal concentrate specifically formulated to strengthen the body’s stress response and support healthy energy levels. Adren-All® provides targeted amounts of vitamin A and C, pantothenic acid, and other B vitamins that are critical to adrenal gland function. This powerful formulation helps support the body’s resistance to fatigue and aids in maintaining balanced cortisol and DHEA levels. 
Clinical Applications
  • Formulated Specifically for Patients with Occasional Sleeplessness
  • Promotes Calmness and Relaxation
  • Supports Normal, Uninterrupted Sleep
  • Provides Comprehensive Neurotransmitter Support

Sleep is the body’s way of metabolically and psychologically resetting itself. The body’s circadian rhythm is regulated by an internal biological clock with an approximate 24-hour cycle. In order to maintain restorative sleep, it is crucial that the brain has optimal levels of serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the relaxing and sleep-regulating neurotransmitters, as well as the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.

The synergistic ingredients in Cerenity PM, including 5-HTP, PharmaGABA® and taurine, boost levels of the neurotransmitters and hormones that promote relaxation prior to bedtime and increase the deep, restorative stages of sleep. 
Clinical Applications
  • Enhances Cellular Energy Production and Physical Performance
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health
  • Supports Blood Sugar Balance Already Within Normal Levels
  • Promotes Neurological Health

CoQ10 is a lipid-soluble antioxidant found in every cell in the body. CoQ10 is abundant in the mitochondrial membrane and plays an important role in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule of chemical energy upon which all cellular functions depend. The synthesis of ATP within the mitochondria is a multi-step series of biochemical reactions called the electron transport chain. As a coenzyme, CoQ10 is required for several enzymatic reactions required to produce cellular energy and to protect the body against free radicals produced during this process. To maintain energy production, mitochondrial CoQ10 is continuously recycled from ubiquinone, its ATP production state, to ubiquinol, its antioxidant state. After the age of 35 to 40 years, endogenous synthesis of CoQ10 begins to decline. CoQ10, an essential component of cellular energy production, has been shown to extend cell life and benefit high-energy systems, namely the cardiovascular, neurological and immune systems.

This CoQ10 formulation is delivered in an oil-based proprietary form and includes natural vitamin E for enhanced absorption and maximum stability. 
Clinical Applications
  • Provides Baseline Nutrition for a Variety of Protocols
  • Builds Metabolic Reserve and Protects Against Dietary Deficiencies
  • Protects Against Stress-Induced Nutrient Depletion
  • Supports Healthy Metabolism

A wide and complex variety of B vitamins is essential for the body to convert food into cellular energy. These water-soluble groups of vitamins are first absorbed in the small intestine and then travel to the liver where they are biotransformed into their active coenzyme forms. One of the key roles of B vitamins is to serve as prime coenzymes for the Kreb’s cycle, the biochemical pathway responsible for maintaining energy production. In addition, B vitamins, particularly folate, B6 and B12, are critical for proper methylation, a biochemical process that helps convert the problematic amino acid metabolite homocysteine into the amino acids methionine and cysteine. This process is vital for supporting cardiovascular and mental health, a healthy nervous system, regulating gene expression, proper energy metabolism, as well as immune and nerve cell function.

Methyl B Complex is a balanced and comprehensive supplement that includes eight essential B vitamins, along with choline, inositol and folate as Quatrefolic® 100% 5-MTHF. The high-quality ingredients included in Methyl B Complex help build a healthy micronutrient reserve to support energy production in the body.

Clinical Applications
  • Provides Baseline Nutrition for a Variety of Protocols
  • Builds Metabolic Reserve and Protects Against Dietary Deficiencies
  • Protects Against Stress-Induced Nutrient Depletion
  • Supports Healthy Metabolism

A wide and complex variety of B vitamins is essential for the body to convert food into cellular energy. These water-soluble groups of vitamins are first absorbed in the small intestine and then travel to the liver where they are biotransformed into their active coenzyme forms. One of the key roles of B vitamins is to serve as prime coenzymes for the Kreb’s cycle, the biochemical pathway responsible for maintaining energy production. In addition, B vitamins, particularly folate, B6 and B12, are critical for proper methylation, a biochemical process that helps convert the problematic amino acid metabolite homocysteine into the amino acids methionine and cysteine. This process is vital for supporting cardiovascular and mental health, a healthy nervous system, regulating gene expression, proper energy metabolism, as well as immune and nerve cell function.

Methyl B Complex is a balanced and comprehensive supplement that includes eight essential B vitamins, along with choline, inositol and folate as Quatrefolic® 100% 5-MTHF. The high-quality ingredients included in Methyl B Complex help build a healthy micronutrient reserve to support energy production in the body.

Clinical Applications
  • Recharges Cellular Energy Production
  • Supports Immune Function
  • Increases Antioxidant Protection
  • Supports Detoxification Capacity
The body’s cells and organ systems depend on an adequate supply of energy to function optimally. The mitochondria, known as the power house of the cell, contain nutrients and enzymes that are important for cellular energy metabolism, including those that convert food to usable energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP functions as the key source of energy for all cells. In order to increase mitochondrial output, there must be adequate fuel supply for combustion and abundant antioxidants to scavenge free radical by-products. Preserving our energy reserves and increasing energy output is a critical part of maintaining optimal health.

Lack of sleep, too much stress, poor nutrition, and prescription medications can draw on energy reserves, using them up faster than they can be replenished. Even the vital biologic systems can create an energy deficit that needs to be restored.

MitoCORE® is scientifically formulated, based on published research, to boost mitochondrial reserves and recharge cellular energy production. MitoCORE® includes the powerful antioxidant trio of alpha lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine and acetyl L-carnitine, all shown to recharge cellular energy production and the primary cellular antioxidant pools of vitamins E, C and glutathione. MitoCORE® also includes key micronutrients and phytonutrients, including green tea, broccoli seed extract and resveratrol, to protect the mitochondria and continually renew the cycle of energy production.

Clinical Applications
  • Supports Immune Balance in Hypersensitive Children
  • Supports Sinus and Respiratory Health
  • Promotes Normal Viscosity of Mucus
  • Clears Nasal Passages
D-Hist Jr.™ is a great-tasting, chewable tablet that includes a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for children with seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. D-Hist Jr.™ includes quercetin, a powerful flavonoid to support healthy histamine levels. It supplies bromelain to enhance the absorption of quercetin and to support mucosal tissue health and stinging nettles leaf to balance hyper-immune response. N-acetyl cysteine clears the airways by promoting normal viscosity of mucus. This unique nutritional combination safely promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for children with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation. 
Clinical Applications
  • Adaptive, Intelligent Support to Modulate and Strengthen the Immune Response
  • Strengthens the Body, Reduces Fatigue and Improves Stress Resilience
  • Helps Maintain Normal Inflammatory Balance
  • Helps Train the Immune System to Eliminate Unwanted Organisms

MycoActive features a powerful combination of six mushroom extracts with an extensive history of use in supporting human health. This targeted blend of mushrooms contains specialized adaptogenic compounds known as biological response modifiers (BRMs). These unique compounds intelligently modulate immune function and strengthen the immune response to prolonged stress, fatigue and microbial challenges. BRMs actively balance and train the immune system to maintain normal inflammatory balance, respond effectively against environmental toxins, and eliminate unwanted microbes. In addition, this formula is safe and effective for everyday use in a broad range of immune challenges.

Clinical Applications
  • Supports Immune Balance in Hypersensitive Individuals
  • Supports Sinus and Respiratory Health
  • Promotes Normal Viscosity of Mucus
  • Supports Healthy Nasal Passages

Natural D-Hist® is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation.

Clinical Applications
  • Helps Maintain Gastrointestinal Balance
  • Increases Secretory IgA for Enhanced Gut Immunity
  • Supports Bowel Regularity
  • Supports Digestion and Micronutrient Absorption

The GI tract is a finely balanced environment where roughly 500 different strains of bacteria compete for space and nutrients. When there is a healthy balance (eubiosis), few symptoms exist. However, dysbiosis can occur when an overabundance of potentially harmful organisms prevail. The natural microflora balance can be upset by medications (such as antibiotics, oral contraceptives, etc.), excessive alcohol consumption, or poor dietary intake.

Because probiotics are live organisms, there are many challenges associated with manufacturing and distributing probiotic supplements. For a probiotic to be effective, it must be shelf-stable through the expiration date and precisely delivered to the intestinal tract, where it can have maximum benefit. BioShield® technology is an innovative manufacturing process developed to ensure consistent and reliable results. The microorganisms in Ortho Biotic are protected, sealed and freeze dried away from moisture, heat, light and oxygen. This allows the bacteria to remain dormant until they are exposed to moisture in the GI tract. By utilizing advanced encapsulation technology, the probiotic organisms are preserved and released on-target for maximum benefit.

Ortho Biotic® is a unique probiotic formula designed to deliver active organisms shown to promote healthy gut microflora, protect intestinal integrity and boost immune function. Included in this formula is Saccharomyces boulardii, an extensively researched microorganism shown to help restore microflora balance by enhancing commensal organism function. Each Ortho Biotic® capsule provides seven proven probiotic strains chosen for their ability to withstand the harsh gastrointestinal environment and adhere to the intestinal tract to deliver superior results.

Clinical Applications
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health and Blood Sugar Metabolism
  • Supports Cognitive Function and Development
  • Supports Healthy Skin, Joints and Connective Tissues
  • Increases Visual and Ocular Health
  • Maintains Normal Inflammatory Balance

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential cornerstones of human nutrition. They are deemed “essential” because we need them for proper health, but cannot produce them on our own. We must therefore consume these fats through diet or supplementation. Omega-3 fatty acids are required for a number of body functions, from proper blood flow to brain development. These long-chain fatty acids are integral components of tissues and organ systems throughout the body, including the heart, skin, joints, eyes and immune system. 

Since omega-3 fatty acids are known to benefit cardiovascular health, support healthy brain function and cognition, and have also been proven to maintain normal inflammatory balance, achieving the proper balance of omega-3s has become an important health strategy, requiring supplementation for most people. The American Heart Association recommends that those concerned about blood lipids take up to 4 g of omega-3 fatty acids per day.

Orthomega® 820 is a high-concentration fish oil sourced from waters off the Chilean coast. As the world’s least industrialized coastline, these cold, fresh waters provide the cleanest, most sustainable source of fish in the world. This exclusive fish oil is purified, vacuum distilled, and independently tested to ensure heavy metals, pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are removed to undetectable levels. With over 10,000 published studies in the last three decades, EPA and DHA from fish oil are among the most researched natural ingredients available and have a long history of safety and efficacy. 
Clinical Applications
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health and Blood Sugar Metabolism
  • Supports Cognitive Function and Development
  • Supports Healthy Skin, Joints and Connective Tissues
  • Increases Visual and Ocular Health
  • Helps Maintain a Healthy Inflammatory Response and Strengthen Immune Function

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential cornerstones of human nutrition. We need them for proper health, but cannot produce them on our own. We must therefore consume these fats through diet or supplementation. Since Omega-3 fatty acids are known to benefit cardiovascular health, support healthy brain function and cognition, and help maintain a healthy inflammatory response, achieving the proper balance of omega-3s has become an important health strategy, requiring supplementation for most people. The American Heart Association recommends that those concerned about blood lipids take up to 4 g of omega-3 fatty acids per day.

Orthomega® Liquid is a high-concentration fish oil, providing 1.3 g of EPA, 850 mg of DHA and 175 mg of DPA in natural, bioidentical triglyceride forms for enhanced absorption and better assimilation into the body. It is sourced from cold, fresh waters off the Chilean coast. These waters provide the cleanest, most sustainable source of fish in the world. The Orthomega® Liquid formulation is a convenient method of achieving optimal omega-3 levels in the body. The natural mango-flavored liquid is the ideal alternative to encapsulated fish oil supplements. 

Clinical Applications
  • Provides Three Forms of Highly Absorbed Magnesium for a Variety of Protocols
  • High-Concentration Magnesium for Cardiovascular Support
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Glucose Levels
  • Promotes Energy Production and Muscle Relaxation

Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body and is found naturally in many foods, like green leafy vegetables. It is also found in over-the-counter medications, such as laxatives. The average American intake of magnesium, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES Study) is critically low: Many Americans fail to consume the estimated average requirement (EAR) established by the Institute of Medicine. In addition, more than 57% of the population does not meet the United States Department of Agriculture requirements for magnesium in the diet. Intracellular magnesium levels are decreased by excessive intake of alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid found in sodas, diets high in calcium and high stress levels. Because of the widespread nature of magnesium deficiencies, adequate daily intake of magnesium is critical for proper hydration, stress response, muscle relaxation, promoting healthy blood pressure levels, optimal bone mineral density, and blood sugar regulation.

Reacted Magnesium provides three unique forms of highly-absorbed magnesium to ensure maximum absorption of this important macromineral. Most magnesium supplements use only a single source of magnesium, which can easily overwhelm a single pathway of absorption and limit uptake. Reacted Magnesium takes advantage of three unique pathways of absorption by providing magnesium as di-magnesium malate, magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate for enhanced absorption, improved utilization and gastrointestinal (GI) comfort. Some individuals, who take other forms of magnesium supplements, often experience GI side effects, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or a combination of these symptoms. The forms of magnesium used in Reacted Magnesium preserve GI comfort while maximizing absorption and restoring magnesium levels in the body.

Clinical Applications
  • Supports Healthy Blood Circulation
  • Promotes Bone Health and Proper Calcium Storage
  • Maintains Healthy Cardiometabolic Function and Supports Blood Sugar Balance Already Within Normal Levels
  • Boosts Immune Function

New research is focusing on the synergistic relationship between vitamin K2 and vitamin D3, for bone and cardiovascular health. A group of naturally occurring and structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin K is essential for the proper utilization of calcium. Through its activation of the protein osteocalcin, vitamin K helps to bind newly absorbed calcium to the mineral matrix in bone. In addition, vitamin K has been found to help maintain bone mineral density by decreasing the activity of osteoclasts, a cell that breaks down the bone matrix. Vitamin K also provides critical cardiovascular protection by helping to activate matrix Gla protein (MGP), an inhibitor of circulatory calcification. Thus, vitamin K and vitamin D not only share similar qualities, but they also act synergistically within the body.

The addition of MenaQ7® PRO to this formula is backed by extensive research. Dr. Leon Schurgers, a world-renowned expert in vitamin K2 as MK-7 research for cardiovascular and bone health, and his team of research scientists have conducted over 15 clinical trials on MenaQ7® PRO through the University of Maastricht.

Vitamin K2 with D3 includes 45 mcg of MenaQ7® PRO, the most widely studied form of vitamin K2 as MK-7, and 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per capsule for optimal absorption and use by the body.

Clinical Applications
  • Primes and Mobilizes Key Immune Cells
  • Protects Against Immune Challenges Resulting from Ongoing Stress
  • Increases Immune Vitality and Mental Clarity
  • Protects Against Exercise-Induced Stress

A strong immune system is integral to overall health and well-being. Maintaining a strong immune system can often be a challenge in today’s world-high stress levels, poor diet, lack of sleep and environmental pollutants can slow down the immune response.

WholeMune is formulated with Wellmune WGP®, the most well-researched, single beta glucan, proven in human clinical trials to prepare and protect the immune system from repeated and ongoing stressors. Wellmune WGP® is a highly purified, yeast-free beta-glucan extract derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is standardized to contain 75% pure beta glucan and is considered the most effective single nutrient to naturally prime immune cells.